Forest Walking Circuit in Fuenfría.
Despite being located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, in a continental Mediterranean climate, with long periods of severe drought, especially in summers, Sierra de Guadarrama also hosts a flora of more humid climates, typical of the Atlantic areas of Europe. These relict species (yew, birch, ash, maples, chestnut, holly, etc.) are naturally represented in the Fuenfría valley.
The route we propose will go deep into the valley and its scots pines in search of those plant treasures, testimonies of milder times with the flora of the north. We will discuss the characteristics of each species, its traditional uses, and its role in popular legends and mythology. Basically, we’ll talk about the importance of trees as protectors of life on the planet and their role in human cultures.
- Grupo mínimo de 5 personas: 25€
- Grupo de 6 a 12 personas: 20€
- Guía de Media Montaña titulado.
- Seguro RC y accidentes.
- Material técnico común.
- Asesoramiento previo a la actividad.
- Transporte.
- Comidas.
- Alojamiento.
- Material personal.
- Cualquier otra cosa no especificada en el apartado de “Incluye”.
- Máximo 12 personas por guía.
- About 5 hours walk approx.
- Mountain clothes and footwear suitable for the season of the year in which the route is done.
- Physical condition to walk up to 7 hours.
- Capacity to overcome ascents of 1.000 meters.
- Skill to walk on rocky mountain trails.
- Respect for the guide’s instructions, always motivated by the group’s security.
- Mountain backpack of approximately 20L.
- Mountain footwear, preferably boots.
- Mountain clothing suitable for the time of year. Theory of the three layers.
- Goretex-type waterproof membrane jacket.
- Snack type food and 1.5 L of water per participant.
- Recommended walking sticks.
- Gloves, beanie and sunglasses.
- Cap or hat for the Sun.
- Sunscreen.
- Recommended photo camera.
- Personal medication if needed.
- Spare Clothes to leave in the car.
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